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Montgomery County
Alternative School



In collaboration with the three school corporations, we provide an alternative school.  We are focusing on credit recovery for high school students who may have been suspended, expelled or just not benefiting from the traditional educational setting. We have the capacity for 30 students. All students are working through an online credit recovery program.  They work at their own pace completing classes and earning credits toward graduation. It is an opportunity to provide an education for youth who may not otherwise be able to complete their high school diploma.   


Teen Court



Teen Court is a restorative justice program.  Through this program juveniles are given the opportunity to participate and avoid having a permanent juvenile record.  Youth are referred by the school, law enforcement and juvenile probation and are traditionally first time or minor offenders.  Youth are assigned a court date where an adult judge and teen volunteers actually conduct a court hearing.  The jury is a jury of their peers, made up of youth volunteers as well as prior teen court defendants.  The youth before the court must be willing to admit to their charges and after case presentation the jury will give a disposition (consequences) fitting the offense. 


Youth As Resources



Youth as Resources (YAR) is a youth led philanthropic program that promotes the concepts of youth giving, serving and leading in Montgomery County.  YAR plans, organizes and hosts fundraisers throughout the year. All of the money raised from these events goes directly to a grant pool which is given out to other local youth led groups and organizations.  Our Youth as Resources program is a county-wide initiative involving students from Crawfordsville High School, Tuttle Middle School, North Montgomery High School, Southmont Jr. High and High School and Northridge Middle School Our goal is to help these youth develop into responsible adults who understand the value of philanthropy, service to others and leadership in their community.   





The Nourish program was designed by representatives from key agencies in Montgomery County who are working to address the issue of food insecurity for children and families. The Nourish program provides backpacks to approximately 250 children county-wide, per week.   


Drug Free Montgomery County



We serve as the administrative arm of the local coordinating council to address substance abuse issues in Montgomery County. This includes administering the LCC mini-grant process which provides funding for organizations that are working to reduce the substance abuse problem in Montgomery County.   






Court Appointed Special Advocates are trained community volunteers appointed by the Court to advocate for children who are victims of abuse and neglect. A CASA advocates for the best interest of the child and helps insure that the children end up in safe and permanent homes as soon as possible.


Child Abuse Prevention



This program provides community education and information about Child Abuse prevention. We do this through personal safety classes for elementary students in our county. We also provide education for adults working with children about signs and symptoms of abuse and mandated reporting. The Council provides training open to the entire county on issues such as dating violence and internet safety.

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Inspire is a program for middle and high school girls in Montgomery County. We meet twice per month in an informal atmosphere where we discuss topics and issues facing teen girls. We do crafts, take trips, talk and most! We provide a safe place where girls can come and explore issues and topics they may be facing or may face in the future. A guest mentoring group may be in attendance for sessions, helping provide a non-judgemental listening ear and advice.

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The Juvenile Mentoring Program is our county’s community based mentoring program; operating much like the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program.  We make meaningful, sustainable, monitored matches between volunteer adult mentors and children ages 6-14.   JUMP provides the opportunity for our youth to develop positive one-to-one relationships that have a direct and lasting effect in their lives. Mentors give a child a caring adult who provides fun, guidance and encouragement.





REINdear is our county wide Christmas assistance program.  Through this program families may apply for Christmas assistance for their children ages 2-15.  We then match the children with community donors who provide two needs and two wants for each child.  By having one centralized program providing the assistance, duplication or abuse of the services is reduced or prevented.  

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